In the past month we’ve seen two countries try to “turn off” the Internet. On January 27, in Egypt, which had previously known few restrictions on Internet access (though, to be sure, intimidation of bloggers and activists was common), nearly all ISPs stopped delivering bits to their subscribers, even though data transiting Egypt from the […]
I just finished recording a podcast with Larry Lessig and the Berkman fellows about Wikileaks. It should be online within a day or two. In the meantime, we’ve been trying to simply nail down some of the facts surrounding the situation. We figured we’d share what we’ve gathered so far as a FAQ, and we’ll […]
JZ asked for suggestions of good note-managing systems, and here’s what y’all said: “Scrivener on Mac is awesome.” “Zotero add-on for Firefox. Free and syncs across computers.” “Try Devon Agent + Devon Note for research and Avenir for writing.” “Tiddlywiki is the way to go.It is simple, versatile, portable, platform independent and very effective.” “If […]