January 16th, 2010 |
by zittrain |
published in
Future of the Internet | 12 Comments
The amazing Hubble telescope has now shown us images of galaxies from 13.2 billion years ago. That’s because the light comes from 13.2 billion light years away, and took (by definition) that much time to get here: “The deeper Hubble looks into space, the farther back in time it looks, because light takes billions of […]
January 12th, 2010 |
by zittrain |
published in
filtering, Future of the Internet | 33 Comments
Google announced today that it would cease (well, phase out) censoring the results in google.cn, the Chinese-language version of its famed search engine. It’s a pretty stunning move, both in its fact and in its execution. First, the announcement of “A new approach to China” may appear to have buried the lede. The lion’s share […]
January 11th, 2010 |
by elisabeth |
published in
Future of the Internet | 2 Comments
As we knew would happen sooner or later, a dangerous malicious app has apparently made its way into Android’s Market. The app is said to “create[] a shell of mobile banking apps” and collect users’ personal information. It’s been removed; no word on how many users, if any, were actually affected. Offhand, I can’t think […]
December 30th, 2009 |
by elisabeth |
published in
Android, cybersecurity, Future of the Internet, iphone, ubicomp | 1 Comment
Flurry: App Store Sees Record Breaking Christmas. Great article collecting sales and market share numbers for the App Store and Android Market. Quick summary: App Store grew 51% (!) from November to December, Android Market 22%; App Store has 13x as many downloads as Android Market (apparently not everyone is as concerned about openness as […]
December 28th, 2009 |
by elisabeth |
published in
iphone, ubicomp | 10 Comments
Our worries about ubiquitous human computing*—summarized in this earlier post—fall into two broad categories. First, there are potential bad effects on the workers, since traditional labor-law protections may not apply in cyberspace. Second, there are potential bad effects on the world. One example that JZ has given in talks is that lobbyists could pay workers […]